We All Belong / We All Deserve

The world spills over in ashes and grey, as the structures try to keep out those who they feel do not deserve…anything. History is written by the victors, but life is written by the survivors. Neither one is ever out of the game, as long as the game moves on. But time does make forward movement harder until belonging takes hold of the soul.

Our soul gives us strength and power. It overtakes the pain that latches upon the body in strictures of desolation that is meant to tear asunder. Those who move past it run with their souls and not their bodies. When the soul meets the brain, then wonder becomes reality.

For those who think that they are the deciders, you are NOT. Especially if you think that position equals power. It does NOT. It never did because power is always never long lasting. Look through history for reminders that everything always falls. And the new that is built on the old tries to be better, until the old roadblocks take shape once again.  

Sooner rather than later, the roadblocks will be moved. The crowd that deserves to belong grows as the message becomes louder.


If you think that you can stop the momentum, then you are a fool. Because the soul is stronger than the victors expect…every time. The victor is never guaranteed to deserve to be. That is life!

We will not go without a fight! And we will remember to have sunflower seeds ready for those who stand against us.

In Memory of Snake Island
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Passion of the Voiceless

There is a power in certain images that speaks volumes…

Refuse Fascism Protest at the US Capitol


There are times when silence brings power, but it always empowers when it comes in volumes.

We are in times like we have not seen since the Revolutionary and Civil War eras in this country. Its name could not be more meaningless as we are not united in any way. Two sides claiming the cloak of power, but neither side truly the victor. The world of politics is full of losers, because it refuses to recognize that this is a superficial battle intent upon ripping apart the very seams of a nation. As the outer world watches this inner world in horror, certain depictions from literature have taken on a new relevance to describe these tumultuous times.

We learn through stories such as The Handmaid’s Tale, 1984 and other such dystopian novels which were never meant to be instruction manuals for our world. But many in power have indeed taken these words as a form of gospel to admire and replicate.

As we in the outer world try to get these “leaders” to listen, it is clear that they do not intend to do anything of the kind. Red and Blue force people to wave their flags as though they are knights in battle. But this is not a respectable battle for the mind. It is fundamental one for the very soul of a land and all life affected by it.

Many do not want either side. They choose to walk in the white mists, never to be seen nor heard because it is not allowed. The final choices always lead to the same outcome for the victors in Red or Blue, with absolutely no change for the victims in the whiteout. That is why this picture struck a major nerve in me. These are the victims speaking in the only way available to them.

It’s time to listen to them! Do not be enamored by the words they wear. The big words are not the meaningful ones. Many names can fit into that space, though the current ones are definitely deserving of this attention. Look at the website name they represent. Read up on fascism. Look at our history books that speak if its history. Remember the deaths of those who fought against it…over and over.

This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. We humans do not remember well once time sweeps us further into a future that forgets. Always forgetting the true costs to the multitude in order for those few in power to reside upon their golden thrones.


Stop picking sides as though this is a game, and start seeing the problems as they are seen in the bright harsh light of reality. Stop kicking the can down the road for future discussion.


Thank you to this photographer for making such a powerful image. I would love to give you the credit that you deserve for this impactful moment in time. It spoke to me and is speaking to many others.

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Building A Monster

I had a dream this morning. It was a beautiful dream.

I had marched to a local representative’s office and just unloaded about every single wrong this country had committed. And I went on for so long that others lined up behind me for their chance to scream.

It was the typical scene of cops surrounding the protestors as the representative tried to spin his web. But he was drowned out by the chanting of the disillusioned. Each side rumbled with its own intentions, chomping at the bit. Dark fought against light (you decide which side you are on and which was good). The screams rose like a tidal wave against the very structure that tried to hold them back.

But the screams kept growing until they became alive with intent. A new monster came into being, but it was unlike every other monster that we have created.

This monster was truly good. It was big because it needed to be to crush the structures that tried to hold it back. Every cheer by a single person made the monster bigger and stronger. Its intent was all of our intent to bring about a justice that was true for us all. It began stomping on the very walls that bound us down. It took a long time, but its work was finally done. We were impatient but joyful at the turn of events, because we did it together. Smoke billowed everywhere as the walls fell, and the system and all bound to it fell with it.

Once the walls were broken, the monster turned back to us with a question. What did we want it to do? The conversation amongst us all was so long that the monster decided to sit and wait for us. There was much yelling back and forth as there were too many ideas. But the monster that we created was a smart one, and got the gist of what we were trying to accomplish. So, it stood back up and started to stomp on those bricks of wall which were still big enough to be used.

We tried to stop it because we thought those bricks might come in handy. But the monster ignored us until there was nothing but dust. We yelled at the monster who just shook his head at us.

“I exist because I had to for this particular moment. You don’t want me back unless you have failed…again. You have a chance to build something stronger, and more justly. Don’t limit your imaginations. Don’t settle with what’s available. Turn your dreams into reality. When those dreams come true for every single one of you, then I can return as a unicorn. I really want to be a unicorn! So I’m counting on you.”

What can you say to a monster who also dreams? I don’t know about you, but I would like to make a monster’s dream come true.

A monster’s nature is up to that of its beholder. As a creator, your intentions mean everything to its existence. So make it a good intention and see what it can become.

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Do You Care If I Can’t Breathe??

Hearts howl with pain, or maybe with glee. It depends on which side you’re on. Because that is what we’re in: A Game called Life?!? One winner, many losers. Except this isn’t a board where you chose your piece or the rules.


I want to write a piece here, but my heart and soul finally broke into pieces yesterday.


I am Howling along with those in the street.

I am screaming at the injustices.

I am screaming at the requirements to scream.

I am yelling at the empty words.

I am beating my chest at the savagery.

I am pounding at the doors of Justice which is not here!

I am disgusted of the spilled blood from the innocent and actions of the guilty.

I am amazed that you don’t get it?

. . .

Do you see that violence has a deeper meaning?

Do you get that every action was preceded by a whole untold story?

Do you recognize that thugs are embedded in the legitimate as well?

Do you understand what happens when you make rules but don’t take the consequences from them?

Do you accept a system that has built-in immunity while outside everyone pays with blood?

Do you allow the rules to be conveniently changed to maintain legitimacy of the illegitimate?

Do you hear from authority when it’s not about what they want?

Do you hear and understand the words from someone you disagree with?

Do you think that disrespect will just be accepted?

Do you think that your shield scares others?

Do you wonder why it’s all burning?

Have you ever been pushed into a corner?


It is time for more than words. It is time for more than understanding. It is time to FIX EVERYTHING.

No more empty suits with empty words. No more snappy press releases checked by someone in PR before release. No more stupid pretty commercials that go against everything you’ve ever done. No more generals who refuse to stand against tyranny in the light. No more pundits spinning the world. No more talk about how much will it cost! No more killing nature because it brings you money. No more taking without sharing. No more looting from the public trough. No more watching someone when they are hurt. No more labels. No more levels. No more sides. No more checklists. No more waiting patiently. No more cries from the lost. No more weapons. No more demands to vote. No more empty choices. No more takeovers. No more bankruptcies. No more excusing the inexcusable.


Do you care if I can’t breathe? Do you care if they can’t breathe? Do you care if they bleed? Do you care when they hurt? Do you care when bullies destroy? Do you care that tear gas is on our streets? Do you care that the military is shooting at you in your home? Do you get that there are no more sides? Do you get that old doesn’t mean you have to respect it? Do you get that there are more than one judging your words and actions? 

Will you care when you can’t breathe?


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Thank You Bernie

Bernie Hope (courtesy: David Horsey/Los Angeles Times)














This image by David Horsey from Bernie’s first campaign will resonate with Bernie supporters everywhere. It has helped me through some rough times. We’ve felt it before and are feeling it now. The fight between ideologies is harsh and unrelenting. We all have our own ideals of a world that we can believe in. We all feel like we have the right solutions to fix all that is broken. Or maybe we have the hope for those solutions. I know that I do.

It hurts to be in the same place we were before. The world is in a scary place at the moment, and the solutions are not living up to each new crisis. Nor are the leaders. So, it’s up to us to become the new leaders.

For too long, we’ve been told that dreams are foolish and not realistic. All I have to say to that is: Why doesn’t status quo prove it this time?! Why do the dreamers have to keep proving that their dreams are stronger than our collective realities? Our current lives are showing that dreams have become necessary to stand up to the actual world that we all inhabit.

We’re way beyond politics. We’re way beyond policies. We are now in times that call for visions. A vision for a truly equitable world in which all of us can thrive…EQUALLY. A world that remakes all that is broken by building new structures from the ground up. Not physical structures, but aspirational actions that create new foundations for the world to stand on. Foundations that protect all living things, including this very planet that we all rely upon. Foundations that ensure that we all get what we need without compromises. Foundations that give us respect equally. Foundations that do not split, but gather. Foundations that allow us all to reach for the stars.

THANK YOU, Bernie, for giving many of us the opportunity to be heard. Our ideals are still very much alive, and Bernie is not going anywhere. Neither are we. We have to keep drawing out the world that we want to live in together. Bernie may be stepping out of a light, but he is not stepping out of the light. It’s the light that we’ve shown on his message from Day 1. And that light is only getting brighter as more see where his path is leading. It’s always been about the message. We just need to remember that each and every day we move forward…together.


BERNIE, You continue to be an inspiration. Never stop being you.


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Bring the Flame In

So, I’ve been thinking about life. And thinking. And thinking, and thinking…until it just exploded like the Big Bang in my soul.

The world is wrong in so many of its choices. I’m not talking about personal choices, more than I am about social choices. The choices that we have to make from those options given to us by those considered acceptable. Provided by some cloaked committee that no one remembers choosing in the first place.

Look at what we have accomplished, where we have traveled, and how much effort we’ve expended to obtain those historical moments. We didn’t do it individually, and we sure as hell did not do it through simple monetary expenditures. We made life happen because history backed us into corners, and we reacted with choices that detonated society as we knew it. History tends to include those who seek to legitimize their own grandeur and rule unobstructed.

It happened continually, as it still occurs today with very different outcomes. Most of us can say that today’s outcomes are not providing for positive futures for Earth and its inhabitants. Losses like Keith, Chester, Delores, Opportunity, and so many life forms who are vanishing daily from our sight are daily reminders that the time for change is past due.

Yesterday’s flame out of the Firestarter is another nail that has splintered the social foundation for me. I now look into the great unknown and actively search for the something more that will dump the tea into the water. Look at the world as lego blocks that need to be fitted into new foundations unlike anything we’ve seen before. Shatter rules that seem set in stone, and use the crumbs in a new mix to be shaped by you into something that glitters unlike all the gold in the world.

Don’t be fooled by the glorified without knowing how it came into being. Read up on it all, and then decide for yourself if you can do better than those choices on offer. Learn from the past to build more opportunity for the future. Don’t fit in simply because it is expected, unless you are willing to lose yourself in the process.

Every cliche contain grains of truth. Seek the truth that strengthens potential.

I for one am tired of selecting a box from choices that don’t work. No more trying to fit all of my dreams into “Other”. I want “None of the Above” to mean that we create a new choice that doesn’t have to be acceptable first. And I want it to count for everything in life with no exceptions. Because it’s the exceptions that always get us in the end.


In this way, we honor those who went before us and changed the world just a little bit away from the norm. This way we bring the flame in and light our souls on fire.

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

– S. Jobs (before we really got to know him) – because it still resonates

…just saying

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Flame Out (RIP Keith)

Another loss to the world in the larger-than-life form of Keith Flint, the lead singer of The Prodigy. His loss has added to our collective distress that the world is not right.

Fat of the Land - The start of The Prodigy for me



















Sure, those not familiar with the musical flames of The Prodigy will not understand his impact when they see images of him. Some considered him scary to look at – even my loved ones didn’t understand the draw for me. He was not a by-the-book kind of guy in his public personae, but his brand of in-your-face “electronic punk” embraced people who needed to push back against the straitjacket of society. He was for those who needed to let loose from all of the strictures of decorum, as many of us did however and whenever we could. I didn’t stay for their entire party, but I was obsessed by the ones I did attend. I wish that I had seen Keith and The Prodigy live, as everyone mentions they are amazing to experience in person. That’s a big testament when the fans want to hear you in person.

And like they always remind you, don’t judge a book by its cover!

Like most people, I was mesmerized by Firestarter when it first came out. Breathe became another anthem to my alter of freedom. Fat of the Land was my go-to choice when I needed to disconnect from it all. And wow, did I come out whole on the other end of the cycle, refreshed for another stomp through reality. I know that I missed out on a lot, as my taste ebbed and flowed from them.

Music is a broad rhythm that covers a multitude of styles, sounds, and needs. Honestly, no single person will have the same taste as the person standing next to her (or him). But once you let go of your inhibitions, there is a vast world of sound to inhale.  Don’t let others scare you from an experience that just might change you for the better.

Those lucky enough to have met Keith speak of how unlike his public personae he was in private. It made me wish that I’d had the chance to know him just a little, and thank him for what he gave us all.

RIP Keith. May you now be where you want to be. My profound condolences to your family, friends loved ones and fans.

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Thank You Opportunity, Spirit and NASA

edit: I was remiss in not showing Opportunity:


Here's Opportunity!



















We received sad news today from NASA that we all knew was coming, but is hard to hear for some reason. All over the Internet today, everyone has been mourning that Opportunity has joined Spirit in sleep on far away Mars. The little rovers took over our heart with each new message received from the Red Planet, teaching us about the universe away from Earth. Showing us that similarities crop up in the unlikeliest of places. And love transcends distance when we put our heart into the mix of life.


Sweet Dreams, Oppy and Spirit





















We chose to reach into the distances of space in order to better understand what we have on our own planet. People may think that such an endeavor is a waste of money when we have so much to fix here, but fail to understand that we need to know about the great beyond in order to fix things here. It’s a Catch-22. Without a wide view, we can’t see all of the paths that are available to us. Worse than that, we may decide to ignore paths which we think are too expensive or too fantastical.

But then, we realize that we have set foot on the Moon, we have toured our solar system, and we have explored our sister planet, Mars. Because of Spirit and Opportunity, we have looked for signs that life can exist elsewhere and found the possibility that it indeed might.

Our future may be unknown, but every step we take is guided by the sciences that teach us the basic foundations of life. Take this snapshot that NASA offers, Six Things to Know About NASA’s Opportunity Mars Rover. And then go through their entire website to see just how much impact the little guys (and NASA) have had on our lives and our knowledge. We may argue about sentience in our robots, but still they manage to grasp our heart strings as they take their own journeys and invite us along into the wild red yonder.

Thank you so much Opportinity and Spirit. I hope that someday we can reach you and give you the proper welcome home that you deserve. We are shedding tears that you have gone to sleep, but also joyful at what you allowed us to see through your own eyes. You showed us so much, and we send you love in return. Maybe someday soon, you’ll even wake up after the dust settles and surprise us all!

Perhaps, once again, XKCD says it best about what Opportinity gave to Earthlings.

Best wishes to NASA for what you continue to give us all! And sympathy for all of our losses.

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We’re all exhausted by all of the drama that just.won’t.end!! But what can we do about it? Important things are forgotten simply because we have to much to cope with.

But the world keeps trying to get our attention by letting the important things bubble to the surface. No matter how much the mundane tries to usurp the light, the incredibly life-changing moments take over the camera frame as they should.


We are seeing another real-life tragedy blossom in front of our eyes, in real-time. No matter how much the system tries to maintain its importance, it is the individual that shows the truly important being ignored because it is inconvenient for the system. It is inconvenient to the system’s schedule, and to the system’s agenda, and mostly to the system’s aspirations.

It is clear that privilege has been given too much room in human society. And by privilege, I mean those who seek to rule the world in their own image. No one person or group of people should have that right, when there are more than 7 billion people on this planet trying to co-exist.

And when did “their” conventions become our life? Why did we choose to make conventions so important when they were meant to be a guide and not a rule book? When rules become the norm, then what is left to inspire?


A few weeks ago, I watched a Chris Hayes special with Michael Moore. He was speaking to a non-voter and amazed (or should I say irritated as so many claim to be) that this man was looking for political leaders who inspire. Chris responded that our current politics was at a critical juncture and too important to look for inspiring, when we should be looking for qualified. But what is the definition of qualified, and who decided that we ALL agreed with this definition?

We have ignored the need for a real definition that has little to do with diplomas, awards, civics, recommendations and the other “critical” criteria that makes one person more qualified than another. THAT was the key message that this man was trying to send when he was to vote, and couldn’t with the current crop of candidates on offer to his access. So many people everywhere are saying the same thing, and yet the majority feels that their way is right simply because they won with their votes.

I am not talking about sides, because both are not only wrong, but also ignoring the crises that are swamping the planet. It is not an illusion that things feel worse. It is not just the ever present media that informs us of the invisible that is coming to the forefront…finally. It is the fact that picking a side without working together is killing our lives.


So when do we actually start to work with one another, without jumping down each other’s throats? When does critical become now or never, instead of being kicked down the road? What does it take to change status quo? It’s obvious that doing the same thing over and over is not working. Voting doesn’t work when we aren’t all engaged, when so many are being ignored, treated as invisible.

But today, the system forced us to engage by showing their stage show in front of our eyes. It is forcing us to recognize that the system is ineffectual, empty, and meant to usurp our attention from the truly important.

But today, the truly important is right in front of us, demanding its time because the messenger is forced to be involved. Maybe today is the day that we can demand better of everyone and not just yell comfortably from our side.




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The Invisible

(from one perspective)

People walk by, sometimes stumbling and becoming irate

What is getting in my way?

All of their busyness, all of the schedules don’t see me

Why won’t you get out my way?

Doesn’t anyone see how stressed I am?


(to another)

Why can’t anyone see me?

Anything not on my list is unimportant!

Why am I so unimportant to everyone else?

OMG!! I’m now late!!!!


I always thought that I should disappear, but I guess I don’t need to now…

I wonder if I’m alone?


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