I Wish Creativity Was On A Tap








Usually the tiniest little thing gets my creativity going. One word, one image, one soundbite, and my head goes off on a tangent that is exciting for me to embark upon. But what happens when the world goes quiet on you? I’m sure that you’ve all been here: You’re looking at the pretty empty white space and…nothing. The world is busy doing its business, but the world in my head is like a bulb that went off. It’s interesting because I’m not driven by any particular market but the one of my own creation, so any pressure comes from me. Pressure is a cooker that can turn something tangible into steam wafting into the air. Not quite useful for my purpose. This weekend has been kind of like that for me. I’m sure that it was a little noticeable that my attention had been diverted. It didn’t help that I spent more time than I should have in the mainstream. Who knew that it would put a tourniquet around my creativity? Noise is definitely not conducive to the imagination, and neither is all of the bickering. Not an excuse, just an explanation.

Seriously, creating out of thin air is not as easy as it looks. Sure, the words look pretty and the meaning might (or sometimes might not) be deep, but think of all of those poor little brain cells that got a workout so that I could create something worthwhile to read or watch! This post is evidence that I can’t possibly do this endeavor all by my lonesome. Which is why I lean on my surroundings to occasionally rev my engine.

So, tonight, I am posting what I’m going to do about my little self-made blackhole in my creative inspiration vortex:

  • I’m going to look over some of my favorite artist’s books and art to get inspired – so I’m counting on you Jim Lee, Adam Hughes, Michael Turner, Kenneth Rocafort, and more!
  • I’m going to catch up on some reading about social entrepreneurship and networking.
  • I’m going to draw lively forms with the help of Andrew Loomis.
  • I’m finally going to start reading Grave Dance by Kalayna Price, which has been patiently waiting for me to open it.
  • I’m starting a new short story that will hopefully reach the conclusion that I’m hoping for.
  • And I’m just going to let go (yes, you’ve heard me say this repeatedly in my previous posts).

I’ll be back to you soon with some more creative inspirations. Because in order to get creative inspiration, you have to have it first. Things will be back to normal once I get my tap opened again. I can feel something on the tips of my imagination! Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, here are some things to keep you a little occupied while I refuel:

And one final talk from Ted Talks that hits straight to the heart:

Thandie Newton embraces otherness on Ted Talks

See you soon with more new creative inspirations to share with you all!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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