Thought For The Day – Read The Words


Note: I’m not the one who thinks that
government is a business.
And yes, I’m picking on all politicians.

This will hopefully help those of you who want to increase their business through the method of cold commenting. I’m not talking about sending a spontaneous comment to describe your own feelings, but a generic response that ignores someone else’s needs.

When it becomes apparent to your customers that whoever is in charge isn’t even reading the words of unhappy customers, much less listening to them, then you are going to affect your bottom line in a bad way. This is elementary and yet many still don’t get it.

Pay attention to your customers needs, because businesses are set up to fill those needs. Once a business drops the ball, then it becomes a game of fill in the hole they created. If you don’t make the hole in the first place, then you have succeeded in customer satisfaction. If you do make a cannonball of a crater, well, good luck fixing it. PR only goes so far, and memories are much longer than whatever promotion money can buy!

Business should not have an agenda, but they should have good products and service.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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