Panic Is Not The Option

I was reminded of two things over the weekend:

  1. If you’re too invested in anything, then you won’t see straight and will make bad decisions.
  2. The youth of the world do not feel a part of our society, so many are not actively engaged in society.

Opening myself up to the world has given me an interesting window into the human psyche. And there are two distinct conversations happening everywhere. There are those who are doing a great imitation of Chicken Little’s “the sky is falling”, and reacting in ways that are really destructive to anyone within harm’s way of their reach. And then there are those who are so focused on their own world, that they’re moving as though not one iota has changed. Frankly, both views are sad and endemic of the disease that permeates today’s society. Reality is not available on any of their networks.

We’ve all been through times that challenge the very core of our existence. Using martial arts as a conversation point, I remember my first kickboxing match in an official arena. It scared the living crap out of me. The fighting time of just a few minutes doesn’t compare to MMA bouts which last 15 minutes. And yet, you feel every minute as though it were an hour. Your opponent seems bigger and meaner than you, and is wearing a higher rank than you so you know that you’re in for a fight. The official calls the start and punches and kicks come flying at you in a sequence that you’re not used to because you’ve never fought this opponent before. And that’s the moment when all of your training comes to bear. Watch your opponent’s moves to try to see where you can strike. Try to think ahead. Use calculation and never submit to panic. Because panic causes erratic behavior that uses up your adrenaline, and that takes your power away long before the fighting ends. Every fight is a good fight only if you learned something from it.

We’re in the grips of a major worldwide turning point right now, and both sides that I’ve been speaking about aren’t engaging in it to help find a way out together. Any event of any magnitude requires group coordination because there are group participants in the event. We all had a part of creating today’s reality, and we all will have to work together to fix it. Not just pave it over as a temporary repair, but actually reinvent everything to ensure that we move towards a positive future.

The funny thing is that there is actually a third group that I haven’t mentioned yet. Those are the silent ones who are working behind the scenes to try to effect change. If I were you, I would watch their actions because they’re probably the ones with the solution. But don’t go looking for them on any social media channel, because they’re a little too busy to chat right now. If you want to find them, then follow the trails of change. That’s would be them hard at work.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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