A Day In The Life Of An Artist

To all you artists who work so hard creating from that spark:

The white burns my eyes. It’s always that way in the beginning of a new project…


The paper stared at him, simply waiting for that first mark. A mark that could become the start of something monumental. The image was in his head, triggered by an avalanche of thoughts that fought to come into being. Strong and silent until life could be breathed into those lines that were trembling at the tip of his pencil.

One scratch. No, that’s not the right angle. I can’t see it going anywhere. I mean, where could it go since it already stops in my head? Pick up the eraser. Gone. Good. Starting again. This time, the line will be the perfect start, and will continue to another. And then another.

There, that’s the rhythm that I’m looking for. Look at how they’re merging together. I’m finally starting to see what’s in my head on this piece of paper. The paper’s alive!



This is going to take a while. Just keep things going with whatever it takes. Music – check. Snacks – check. Window shades down (hmmmm, will it be too dark? I guess I’ll have to see, so) – check. Supplies – check. Distractions – ummm, sort of check. Did I remember to tell everyone that I’m on dead line? I feel like I forgot someone….

Crap, there’s the phone. Yep, I forgot to tell someone. Do I answer? Do I…. oh man, that new line is pointing to the next spot to fill. I’ll just add another one here, and here, and yeah, right there! What was I thinking about? Oh yeah, and now this goes here. And this connects here. Yeah, finally got down an outline to work with. That’s nice, I think…



(scritch, scritch, scratching along with silence)


Was that the phone? Did I answer it last time? How long has it been… oh wow, half the day’s already gone. Wait, that spot needs some shading…


(silence is back)


Oh, my back is killing me. Maybe I should stop here. Is this a good spot to stop? Maybe just a little more…



What smells good? I’m hungry. I can’t think when I’m this hungry! Taking a break now. Need to refuel. Whoa, when did I finish all of the snacks I packed? Ah crap, now I’ve got chocolate smeared on my heel! Who dropped the damn chocolate on the floor?! Hey, that’s the shape I need right there. Yeah, now that’s good. The picture’s off to a good start. I’ll stop here. Got to start earlier tomorrow. Too much to do.

Yeah, but I’ll make the deadline. I think…


Sigh…a day in the life of an artist… come back tomorrow, since I’ll still be working on this…how much time do I have left?



About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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2 Responses to A Day In The Life Of An Artist

  1. Guy Armitage says:

    Really loved the first paragraph, very vivid, very real, very poetic {I like prose}. You change the tone from there to be very human, and you convey a sense of procrastination which we all know too well.

    Would be nice to see it with a piece of prose at the end to tie it all together.

    Very enjoyable!

    • Carolyn says:

      Ha ha – thanks for the compliment, Guy. I hadn’t thought about tying it closed because I wanted to keep it hanging open like the artist’s project not yet finished. I’ll have to give it a look.

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