Life Explained By TrustoCorp

It isn’t often that a game is created that seems to explain all of those nagging doubts you had about life. Was it just your imagination or was there really something so insidious, that even horror movies couldn’t fathom this level of insanity?

With all of the protests happening around the world, this game of Botched Operation as offered to us by those ever trusty bringers of true reality, TrustoCorp, enlightens our dark thoughts.

Go to Arrested Motion’s post to see a larger picture of this board game with some enlightening descriptions of body parts to extract like:

  • Cut throat insurance policies
  • Cold-hearted politicians
  • Rising costs of healthcare

and a few other unsavory reminders that all is not well, and especially not us.

The show, Life Cycle, will offer this and many other creations that will drive home TrustoCorp’s political thoughts on classic games in a way that will make you stop and think. It opens on October 21st and runs through November 11th at the Opera Gallery (Soho, NY). As always, a great job for getting us to see below the surface.

– found in Arrested Motion post -> Opera Gallery


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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