Signs Of New

The images are painful and yet hopeful. A contradiction that permeates through our world and our lives.











We all remember the terrifying sights of an ocean threatening a country roiling through seismic upheavals like never before seen. It’s been 7 months since that catastrophe threatened Japan, and terrified the world (six months from beginning to end image). But even after such calamities, man continues to show his strengths and fortitude to come through it and move forward. I found these sad and moving images thanks again to a My Modern Met‘s post. The Kyodo News released images of the before and after evidence, and it hurts yet gives us all hope. The loss is immense, and the lessons won’t be forgotten by any of us, but this is what we can do when we work together towards a common goal!

Gambatte Japan! The signs of new show how a society should function, and we can all learn something from your strength. Your beauty shines through.

found through My Modern Met -> The Frame


p.s. To the many countries who are also suffering from these types of natural and man-made disasters, please know that you are on our minds and in our hearts as well.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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