A Wonderful Whimsical Short Film

I just got a note from John Kassab, a sound designer from Melbourne, Australia who wants to spread the word about a gorgeous Kickstarter project called Cabbit Y. Tutelary that he’s working on. The art is being done by Sharpie artist extraordinaire Soogie, who is also known as Gerg Sugano, and it really is something to behold because of the whimsically gorgeous characterization of a world of opposites where nature and humanity try to co-exist…with difficulty.

What shines about this timely film is the powerful juxtaposition of the beauty and tranquility of this magical world in which Cabbit lives with the harsh story behind what humanity had thoughtlessly done to it in order to make themselves comfortable. The imagery is reminiscent of those old 19th century children’s book illustrations by the greats like Ernest H. Shepard and Arthur Rackham, and Greengender’s music provides such a pure tone of childlike wonder that is a perfect complement. All of the sounds of nature heard throughout bring a much-needed reminder of what nature brings to the table of life on our fragile planet that we all share. Put together, this film short is pure whimsical magic because the characters were created in a way that we can relate with, as they try to reach out to tell their story to those of us who choose to listen.

Nature couldn’t get a more powerful team to tell their wonderful story than those who are involved in this amazing Kickstarter project. Help support this film as it continues on its dedicated journey towards completion. The first phase was completed, and now they are trying to finish this labor of love by creating a beautiful package that they can submit to a film festival for the recognition that it wholly deserves. This Kickstarter campaign ends on November 18, 2011 and deserves to finish its beautiful journey. Go check out their Kickstarter page and support this expression of love and hope that Cabbit wants to convey to us all.

I know that I would love to see a happy ending to the film and for the campaign! Help John and his team, won’t you?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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