War Through Unfamiliar Eyes













Any of us who have family members who have been through war, whether as a soldier or as a bystander, know that their memories are something that we’ll never understand. War is something that should never happen. Every country has been involved in one at one time or another, as our history has not been peaceful. So we all know that the stories are everywhere, both historical and modern. Already, we’re seeing the repercussions of those soldiers who are just returning but not forgetting (not that anyone ever does).

Michael Peck wondered what it was like when he lost both of his grandfathers a few years ago. His new series, The Landing, explores war through the eyes of children who don’t understand it. And he does a powerful job of triggering our emotions towards such a dark subject. Of course, we adults understand war though we don’t really understand it’s necessity. Especially if you’re not one of those members of society who have a vested interest in such pursuits. Hopefully someday, none of us will have a vested interest in such a mindless act. Only once we let go of such notions will we actually be able to move forward towards any kind of future. Not just for us, but for the entire planet.

– thanks My Modern Met and Arrested Motion


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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