Your Chart














Karo Szmit created a bar chart for “Die edlen Früchte und die Gouvernante”.  Considering how most business oriented outlooks love this type of thing, it seemed like it would be popular. But when you look at it as an empty chart, awaiting our own personal data, then it becomes something akin to a motivator on so many levels. Here’s a couple of ways that we can see it:

  • It’s awaiting each of us to finally put our visions into play, and giving us the tool to see which one we should start with
  • It’s a guide – In reality, we are always trying to step forward, but the possibilities occur when we step off the well-worn path that most people use
  • It’s a call for someone to start it, and let others build upon the starting point until reality and possibility converge because we’re working together

I could think of a lot more, but that would only be my interpretations. What do you see? How would your chart look?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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