Fantastic Flying Books by Moonbot Studios

If you’ve always wondered what some people see in books, then you must see this video, The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, by Moonbot Studios. Writers, like all creators, are dreamers first and foremost. We have words in our heads that want to take on a life of their own, so that a most wondrous story might be shared with a curious reader. All those creations are hands stretching out towards someone who wants to have a conversation with these creators.

Sometimes when you place a hand on a book, or look at its cover, you can almost feel that life contained within it. A tentative opening of a book cover releases the magic that will immerse us into a time of wonder, specially crafted by one unique person. No matter how many times a story is told and retold, it will always be something different because it takes on the character of that creator. No two people are alike, so no two stories will ever be exactly alike. And that means that there will always be a story that will fascinate someone somewhere, allowing a book to take on a life of its own. THAT is the magic of books, told in a most charming and touching way by Moonbot Studios. Be sure to have a tissue nearby, as it’s quite an emotional telling. What a perfect way to describe the love people have for books.

– thanks again Vimeo for sharing this beautiful tale


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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