Savory Institute Wants To Restore – Holistically

I stumbled on Savory Institute by a link on Techdirt that led me to Ted’s Ads Worth Spreading, which then led me to this video describing such a simple and straightforward solution to desertification. Considering that nature had a cycle that sustained life for millenia, we have to realize that maybe certain basic problems already had solutions, but we didn’t see them for what they were. Allan Savory spent his life studying the effects of climate change in his native Zimbabwe, and saw that though livestock might be part of the cause, they also held a key in helping to regenerate lands to fruitfulness after desertification. He called it Holistic Management, and is now collaborating with teams around the world to help reverse how we deal with desertification. He has had successes in Africa, Australia, North America, and South America, and is trying to spread his message of hope in these times affected by global climate change.

But to hear about their ultimate tale of success, listen to their Director of Marketing and PR, Laurie Benson:

Everyone is asking for a message of hope on some huge issues that we’re facing. Here’s one group that is making success happen, one collaboration at a time.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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