The Same Color









No, I’m not promoting this show (though I do LOVE the music I hear). I just wanted to bring it up because I just heard the most awesome words spoken by one of the judges, Cee Lo Green:

Everybody’s the same color with the lights off

How can you not love this comment? Take away the superficiality of our world and simply feel it. Yeah, I keep saying it because I believe it. We need to change our feelings so that our guts are triggered by our soul and not just our mind. We learn a lot of stuff that colors how we think and act. But what if we didn’t let it color our actions and our words? What if we thought about how the other person feels at the same time that we worry about how we ourselves feel. Then it becomes equal, so that you just pick the best action that will make everyone live happily together – or at least co-exist peacefully.

There’s a lot of hate talk out there, and it’s coming from the people in charge (or so they think) who are destroying our world. Why do we let then keep doing the same crap?! We know we want a world that is a hell of a lot better than the one we’re living in right now. Comments like the one that Cee Lo made on a mainstream tv show go a long way towards starting us down a much better path. We need to share it when it happens, because when the thoughtful comments finally drown out all of the hate, then we’ll finally be able to move ahead towards a better life for us all. This is what I’m talking about!

p.s. The singers I heard on the Voice just after the Superbowl blew my mind! Holy crap, there is so much talent here. And the judges have a heart and some great advice for up-and-comers. Sing on.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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