A Hyper-realistic Card Game















Estonian hyper-realistic illustrator, Heikki Leis, is another detail-oriented artist exhibiting on Behance with some pretty incredible pencil drawings. The piece above is called “4 Spades”, and it gives us a pretty amazing view of the card game in action. Doesn’t it almost look like a black-and-white photo? But his drawings aren’t his only detailed works of art as he’s also a photographer and sculptor who uses that same focus to show reality in all of its nitty-gritty glory. Go check out his site or his Behance portfolio to see just how much you’ll be able to pick out in the details. They really are beyond hyper-realistic.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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