Husband/Wife Brings Street Art To World – Through Kickstarter

Michael Aaron Williams is a street artist who has a different take on street art, though his sentiment falls in line with all street artists I’ve seen. Michael uses cardboard to symbolize the fragility of his subjects, the people who live on the streets. Just as they may be in one location one day and gone the next, Michael makes his art separate from the wall it inhabits to show the same transient quality that street people have. Now, this husband/wife team are working to bring his street art to locations throughout the world with the help of Kickstarter. And though he’s met his goal, there are still 30 more days to support them so that they can spread his work even further (9 countries and counting so far).

Go on a journey with them as they try to tell the story of the street people, who are still part of our society, though they are hidden. If enough people tell their plight, then maybe those in charge will get the message that they’re not just statistical issues to be solved, but living breathing humans who are just as much a victim of their circumstances.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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