Scale Of The Universe Is Mind-blowing









I can’t believe that I forgot to forward this incredible site called Scale of the Universe 2 by Cary and Michael Huang. They seem to have done an incredible amount of “interactivities”, but this one has me in absolute awe. You always imagine what the world around might look like from another living beings perspective, and these two brilliant designers have given you the opportunity to find out through a virtual ride of our universe to see just how infinite the scale is.

It’s so simple that it’s genius. Click to surf down into the world of the microscopic, or use the scroll bar at the bottom to swiftly move from infinite to infinitesimal. It’s almost like being on a ride through time itself. I can only imagine how they came up with the concept of attacking the entire known universe into something as beautiful and educational as this. All I know is that the Scale of the Universe 2 is mind-blowing.

Excuse me while I go pick up my jaw…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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