
We’ve all lived with bullying at one time or another. Some managed to leave it behind and grow stronger, while others are still looking for the strength to stand up. Megan Landry went a step further and made a song that helps provide much needed inspiration to stand up to those who want to make our lives miserable. Let’s face it: bullying doesn’t change much from childhood to adulthood. The weapons are just as sharp, no matter what age. But the distinct difference that is happening is that the youth are willing to stand up in a way that adults still won’t. That gives us hope in the midst of times of torture.

It’s time that we listen to these messages and really start standing up to those who won’t rock the boat because they’re protected. As long as everyone isn’t protected evenly, then we’ve still got a ways to go to fix the crap that is flung at us. Days will be harder, but here’s one more girl saying in a strong voice to stand up and fight the disease. It doesn’t get better until we all do something about this together.


P.S. while you’re at it, perhaps it’s a good time to make your voice heard about MPAA’s refusal to allow the movie Bully to be seen by everyone who needs to: kids AND adults. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. We’ve got a lot of bullies in places of power that need to be stopped as well. Here’s the trailer:


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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