And Back To Hilarity…sort of

ok, so today’s soul-searching should at least end up on a fun note, so I submit the article “Scientists claim the way a person answers simple math problem is a good predictor of their belief in religion“. First of all, I suck! I looked at the question superficially and didn’t even read it correctly. Makes me understand why I suck at tests: I either overkill or underkill reading comprehension, which I’m find embarrassing right about now. But the great thing is that I’m not alone in the mess I’m in.




The sheer hilarity (sort of) of this post by Boing Boing comes in the form of the public discourse afterwards in the comment section. It looks like I’m not the only one who came up with $10 without checking my answer, while also claiming that I am most definitely not a believer of religion (spirituality is another matter). But then, I also consider myself intuitive so I am now torn into itty bitty pieces as I try to hide my shame. Obviously, I won’t be hiding alone. It’s also obvious that the hiding place we choose is probably going to get just a bit crowded after this little test:















Seriously, Boing Boing. Thanks for saving this day from being a total mind trip. Well, actually you just finished off the mind trip, but you did it with such flair (as you always do). We salute you…and now we’re all going to hide. (#-_-#)

But not before this guy:


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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