World’s Longest Invoice – WOW










I saw this link in my email, but never in a million years thought that it would reach this kind of number. Freelancing is prevalent throughout the world, but it looks like deadbeat client’s are also just as prevalent. This whole idea came about from the Freelancer’s Union, which just goes to show you that some form of unionization is still necessary in our work world. With all of the talk about trust that businesses tout, it’s clear that trust is most definitely not equal across the business world. Kind of gives you a clearer picture of why so many people are looking at politicians and businesses with that look of distrust that’s been around since after the global market crash (well, actually a lot earlier than 2008).

So, if you have some unpaid bills, go check out The World’s Longest Invoice and add your name to the tally. As you can see, it’s at an alarming number, and the final numbers and list will be delivered to New York law makers on May 22nd, 2012, so that the law that will protect freelancers from non-payment and abuse can finally get put down into meaningful words.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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