Now You Know It Anyway

Polder Animation created a story, Now You Know It Anyway, that tells the battle that all writers (actually all creatives) fight. We all create because we have something to share, just like the young heroine of this short. And once we’ve created something and set it loose into the world, exactly how do we deal with the expectations of society?

  • What is it worth?
  • Will it make an impact?
  • Will anyone be interested?
  • Will they understand?

Those are just a few of the questions that all creators ask of themselves as they set onto the path of creating for their livelihood. And just like the little writer says in response to “How much is the story worth?”, she really doesn’t know how to answer that ageless question because she’s already shared it with the listener who now knows it anyways. For many creatives, the thought of compensation is a hard one to brood over because they know that they would have created the things that they do whether they knew of their audience or not.

Frankly, most creative types are surprised when their creations gain a following. At least that’s how I feel when I create. And obviously the story that Polder Animation created shows that they too encounter the same dilemmas. It sure will be great when the world finally tries to understand the true motivations of so many creative types who don’t feel like they fit in this materialistic world. Yes, we all have to eat and live (all creatives get that), but we also have to feel and dream. And that’s the task that creatives everywhere take on.

Making the world feel just a little bit more so that everyone thinks a little harder about their words and actions. That seems like a pretty important task to me. What do you think?

Bravo to Polder Animation for making us think about this very important question. Now, lets hope that everyone starts to understand the true value of creativity. It’s crucial to our survival!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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