The Brilliance Of Old And New












It’s a political campaign like no other – perhaps it’s the uncampaign that is emerging with this new era that is gaining in fire. Politics is a smash of the old and the new, so why not have protest follow in its wake? bprentice shows just how easy it can be done with the ever-popular chief of New York and his pepper-spray enforcing ways using that age-old quote of Marie Antoinette (yes, we know she didn’t actually say this but it still works). This is the second such ad I’ve seen where Bloomberg’s face has been superimposed on the body of another in a political statement that is actually quite catchy.

Politicians can no longer be assured that their PR machines will be up to the task of working against true public sentiment. No matter how many news media outlets they buy, they’ll never be able to afford the word on the street. That’s the domain of the rest of the “unwashed massed” (as they like to call us) and it is the land of free speech. And free expression. Which is all sublimely loud and expressive. If we’ve got to be imprisoned by brain-numbing campaign ads ever moment of our day (as well as by undemocratic government actions), then you can expect that works like these will only increase in their brilliance. And they’re brought to you by the agency of mankind – found everywhere.

– thanks I Heart My Art for this hilariously smart art


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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