Advice I Wish I’d Had Earlier

So, was this scene in Peter Pan your favorite one too? I love this tattoo (on Piccsy) because it’s definitely one of my favorite scenes from the story.










The flying scene reminds of the one thought that’s sustained me throughout life: NEVER stop dreaming. I don’t think it’s immature to want to make yourself a better person, and dreaming is a good way to make yourself strive to be MORE than you were the day before. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In that vein, I thought about all of the advice that I wish I’d had earlier in life. Something like:

  • Your belief should never be outweighed by someone else’s (no matter how much more important they seem)
  • Everything that we now accept started out as someone else’s dreams
  • You’re worth whatever you want to be worth (so don’t let someone else put a number on you)
  • Your belief in yourself can cushion the impact on the wall you’ll eventually hit (and allow you to stand up and keep moving)
  • It’s not easy to stand apart from everyone else, but it is allowed
  • Someone else’s dreams have allowed us to reach the unknown, and our dreams will create the new unknowns

Now more than ever, we need these dreams. And it’s going to take a lot of effort to get past those who want to stomp on them. Here’s some advice: Don’t let them stop you from dreaming.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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