I Wonder…

A thought from Piccsy:









Have you ever had a conversation that just got so depressing that you had to change the subject? Only because you were exhausted with explaining your thoughts to those who won’t see your side. When it happens with someone close, it hurts that much more. It makes you wonder why you think so differently from so many others.

  • Why are some of us not as worried about ourselves as we are about humans as a collective?
  • What are the experiences that changed your thought process?
  • Why is it that you look at the world differently?
  • Why is it ok to NOT worry about long term repercussions of tunnel-visioned global decisions?
  • Why must we split up people into categories without admitting that every human hurt alike?
  • What is it going to take to stop this dangerous spiral into extinction we’re experiencing?

How do you answer the questions that a more inexperienced generation is smart enough to ask? You know the conversations that we should be having, but aren’t, because we’re too busy making sure that we follow biased and flawed legislation. Things like indefinite detention, institutional protectionism, or drone assassinations, or cyberwarfare by governments, or hidden negotiations to protect profiteering, or the approval of intolerance, or… there are just too many horrid examples coming to life all over the world.

I can’t help but be thankful that the people of this world are becoming more closely related everyday (whether they like it or not). Separations are closing because bridges have finally been crossed in the name of hope, love, and acceptance. Maybe it will help this devolution that this world is stuck in. Maybe it will force people to realize that life is much more important than things. Maybe people will start to think more about tomorrow then they do about today. Maybe the majority will grow a heart and a conscience.

Here’s a recent case of blind injustice that is being perpetrated by the US in the name of commercial protectionism. The frightening aspect of this case is that it is happening to a non-US citizen, which is opening the eyes of the world…again. Something definitely is wrong with the governments of the world. And it’s all tied to a simple cause: money. Fortunately, there are more people who understand the real repercussions of this case and so many others just like it:

“A generation for whom the net is not a ‘new’ technology are being hung out by an older generation of lawmakers who do not understand the new reality of the connected digital planet.” – Tom Watson on Richard O’Dwyer

Sometimes I wonder how so many people who believe in change have the strength to continue against the never-ending injustices in this world. I hear that they feel the same way that I do. The daily news makes it hard to keep believing, and yet they rise up each time a small piece of good news arises. It really is hard to give up on hope, isn’t it?

And here’s a bit of that hope from Two Door Cinema Club singing This is the Life:

Just a little bit of light, because we all have to hang in there and work on stopping the injustices. And that takes positivity in every form that we can find.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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