Bendito Machine Returns

I just stumbled onto this series on Vimeo, and am absolutely mesmerized by the concept!!! Using silhouetted animation, we’re all taken on a wondrous ride in a world full of magical machines that combine technology with creatures. But what seems innovative on one world can be downright perplexing on another, and the movie shows that one guy who is cutting edge on his world is nothing but a curiosity on another.

The Bendito Machine is a series of incredible animations created by Jossie Malis that seeks to teach us about how we evolve. Jossie has done four machine films, and is working with Kickstarter to see if he can keep on creating many, many more. I can totally see why people are excited and addicted to Jossie’s creations. They’re so beautiful and quirky that you just have to keep watching. And they’re significant because they make a powerful commentary about our own little world (which completely inspired him – and left him in despair until Bendito Machine helped him let it out).

And follow his blog to see just what he’s up to in his mechanistically twisted little world of wonder.  How did I miss this until now (he’s been working on it for 6 years, and boy am I inpressed)??? Jossie and his team needs to be supported in any way we can, because the Bendito Machine is nothing short of magnificant!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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