A Book Lover’s Life

So, we book lovers are truly addicted to our books. They transform our lives with every new word that we absorb. We have favorites that stay with us forever. They are extensions of ourselves that we’ll never let go, because they have made us into who we are today. Each new book adds another dimension to our personalities and our imaginations. Some of us have so many books that we can no longer carry them without the help of heavy equipment. For those of us who have turned to e-readers, we are grateful for the technology. It’s enabled us to carry our library in the palms of our hand. The war of paper vs electrons is on-going, with supporters from each camp claiming superiority. But the true book lover knows that it’s more than the paper and ink that makes a book truly yours. It’s valuable when you’re so destitute without it, that you’ll take it in any form just so that it’s always with you. That’s the true love and life of a book lover.









– thanks again Piccsy for the sweet inspiration


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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