Fascination In Details

Breaking down objects down to their minutest detail is a fascination that we all have. We like to understand the whole by knowing the parts first. So when we get a chance to reverse engineer those objects, we are just feeding our fascination in the details. Well, Reddit found these images that just need to be shared. Canadian artist Todd McLellan has a new project called Disassembly that deconstructs many of our everyday objects into their most basic components. The typewriter image is part of that exhibition.

Having worked in the manufacturing arena and having a technical communications background, I lived in a world that revolved around the exploded diagrams. I honestly found these drawing to be the most fascinating things that engineers ever generated. To be able to visualize any product in its component parts is to see how they interconnect in your head, and then to envision how they work in coordination. Enjoy the fascination in details and see how all industries use similar methods of creation. We live in a fascinating world, and the way we look at it makes the world even more fascinating.

From the small – The typewriter broken down (photo credit: Todd McLellan)



















To the large – VW Golf broken down (photo credit: VW (?))


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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