A Congress of the Mind

Thought for the day: If you want to see the strength of your ideas, then you need to crash test them against the wall of reality. The context of this idea was shared on an incredible picture of the 5th Solvay International Congress which included some of the biggest physics luminaries of the day, including my personal hero, Albert Einstein.












Science may be taking a beating these days in some areas of our society, but it is responsible for giving us the many explanations that help us to understand the universe we live in. Each generation of researchers uses the existing knowledge base as the brick wall for new ideas to be tested against. Imagination is one of the greatest assets that humanity has to offer. As long as curiosity is alive and well, our universe will continue to expand. We don’t know how far we have to go. That’s actually pretty inspiring. If there are no limitations, then the world (and more) really does become our oyster. A mind is like a gemstone. It only sparkles when it is honed, just like a diamond in the rough. These scientists are scratching the tip of the iceberg of knowledge. Look around you, and you’ll see new minds coming up with amazing discoveries. Anyone can join this Congress of the Mind. All it takes is passion and dedication to understanding everything there is about what you love.

– thanks for the find, Reddit


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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