Beauty Of Flight In Paper











Hummingbirds are some of the most stunning examples of the beauty of flight. Diana Beltran Herrera manages to give us a glimpse of that gorgeous moment when motion meets stillness as bird merges with flowers. A life sustaining movement captured in paper, suspended as a freeze frame that allows us to see the details as we never could in real life. Her love for color is clear in all of the work that she does, allowing us to see her world through a colorful prism. But her insane paper sculpturing ability is truly something to revel in. Go check out My Modern Met‘s coverage of the hummingbird exhibit to see more examples from this beautiful showing.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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