Bravery In Creation

A modern tragedy that Shakespeare could have written, as familiar as he was with a life full of passion and deceit. And that’s what Kurt Sutter and his crew have created with this drama.











I had thought that the previous seasons were brutal, but this new season has reached a pinnacle of heart-rending obliteration. There are worlds that we catch glimpses of that are full of life and death. To pursue these life styles requires a passion reserved for those who simultaneously feel and yet don’t. As difficult as life is, there are certain life styles which reflect the highs and lows of birth and death. Births of new partnerships, deaths rendered by pure hatred, passions which fuel plots that would make a master tactician blind with envy, and the emptiness of living on the edge for far too long.

For a writer, the Sons of Anarchy is a work of absolute beauty. The twists and turns leave the brain reeling as though it was taken around a bend too quickly. For a viewer, it’s difficult to invest in these characters because you just know that the pains you’re feeling must be incredibly realistic for these actors.

We’ve seen character after character run head long into a wall of  devastation, typically ending with peace that only comes with the ultimate price. And yet, there’s one walk through the valley of death for a special character that literally ripped my heart in two. Opie has been through so much with the loss of his wife and then his father. The anchors in his life have had their lines severed, leaving him drifting further and further from his foundation. His demise was simply too brutal, too meaningless, and just too much. Perhaps it was because he met his face with his eyes wide open, his choice his to make. He knew that his best friend was in need, and he stepped up to provide the type of security that only someone who’s tied to your heart would do.

I can only hope that I will someday create something that hits me in my soul in the same manner that Kurt’s creation does to me. We creators know that our creation will work because we managed to reach ourselves with those deepest of our imaginations. When we feel an inner shift, then we’ve touched those sentiments that drive us to act. And when a creation drives someone else to feel, well, that’s bravery in creation.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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