Simple Pleasures

What are some simple pleasures that make your day brighter?












For some reason, I love bells. The really tiny jingle bell type bells. The tinkling sound as I move brings a smile on my face…and makes people look around since bells aren’t normal everyday sounds. But for some reason, the high-pitched warble centers me so that I can easily(?) face what’s coming my way.

Have you tried to find something small and discrete to carry around with you that will put a smile on your face? If not, you really should give it a try. Days can be tough when your schedule takes on the proportions of Goliath and you are definitely feeling like David. But sometimes it only takes a little spot of joy to clear your head so that you can take on any challenge that’s thrown your way.

Find what makes your center jingle with happiness. It’s the simple pleasures that need to be appreciated because they’re the easiest to reach. Go find yours. It just might bring a smile to your face.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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