When You Finally Realize…

Our world seems to always be given only two choices, as though there is only ever the choice between right or wrong (though they look different depending on the angle that you are viewing them). We watch the news and it’s always about someone telling you to listen to them, or else!  School forces the same lessons generation after generation without acknowledging the limitations that come from controlling information and tunnel-visioned education. Even those in charge insist that only they have the right answer. But who decided this?

Seriously, who died and made them (fill in any appropriate leadership title)?? If you’re like me, then you are most likely questioning the whole leadership structure in the world…no matter what sector, industry, institution, or whatever. There just are so few people in leadership positions that actually deserve the title or the power. How do we change this?

Here are some who want to change the norm:

34 veterans of Unit 8200 Refuse To Spy on Palestinians (source: Guardian UK and their letter)



People’s Climate March 2014 (source: PBS and more from Guardian UK)


Scotland Referendum for Independence – look at the voter turnout!













These amazing instances are just a few of the global happenings by regular people who have had enough of what’s considered normal these days. Maybe there still isn’t a measurable difference from yesterday yet, but at least someone’s trying. It’s incredibly important because people are finally speaking up against what we’ve accepted for so long simply because someone from up high told us to do so. The top-down structure is coming down at an accelerated rate because it is causing more problems than it is solving. People are finally accepting that the bottom has just as many solutions that just haven’t been heard yet. Answers can be found all around us, and inside of each of us. Many times, these answers are not among the commonly accepted ones that have been passed down in perpetuity.  That’s great because that is what inspiration is all about: the difference.

There are not only two possible options to our many diverse issues that are finally reaching sunlight. Most of us already know this, and either ignore the naysayers or bow to the norm. How much more you can swallow is probably dictating your own decisions and actions. What will you be doing once you finally realize that:

  • It’s perfectly alright to have an idea that is different from others. It’s up to you to prove your case to others that your idea merits attention.
  • It’s great to question the norm, because that’s the only way that we improve ourselves and our world.
  • It’s not necessary to capitulate to another’s demand if their demand doesn’t fit into your logic. Again, they have to prove to you that they are right.
  • Even those in charge can be wrong. It happens repeatedly (just watch the news).
  • History is history for a reason…it’s meant to teach us before we start to shape our future.

Nothing stays the same forever! That means that the world is wide open to your ideas as well as to mine. It’s up to us to move like those shown so that we each have a more promising future together.

…because sometimes, enough is enough!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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