And Then…Heartbreak

All of the problems in this world seem to stem from one major flaw that we all have: we don’t want to listen to one another anymore. I’m not saying that it happens all of the time, but it happens at critical times that lead to major breakdown and heartbreak. Just look at the news and you’ll see examples from the top down to the very “bottom” of society. Yes, bottom is in quotes because it encompasses way more people than those on the top.

Frustrations? Don’t you see them all around you?

  • Religions bash one another and then go after those who question them.
  • Officials denigrate their opponents and then go after those who question them.
  • Institutions claim respect, but don’t reciprocate to those who question them.
  • Families try to support one another, but then lash out when another member questions them.
  • Children are ignored by adults because they are seen as too young to know any better, and then treat one another as adults have treated them.

Why do we have to live in this cycle of breakdown? At one time we knew that if something was broken, then you fix it and make it even better. But after seeing so much carnage, we don’t know where to start to fix the breaks because they’re everywhere.

One point of contention: Could we please stop saying that we are a nation of rules. It simply is not true. Rules are meant to be universally applied, not selectively. That’s why the frustration just keeps growing. When you are surrounded by a system that is full of excuses and exceptions, then it’s just not working! If you know this, then stop saying that rules count. They don’t until they apply equally to ALL. They especially don’t when they change to fit only certain convenient circumstances and are driven by the few who can make the rules. Rules shouldn’t be made by a select few, then expected to be followed by everyone else, unless those who make the rules are also going to follow them as they expect them to be followed….with no loopholes just for them!






Talking is good when we actually listen to the content and feelings behind the words we speak. Empty words from a podium mean nothing because they talk down and don’t talk with. Conversations must be a two-way street.

We all understand with the depths of our hearts that there is so much to fix. But we also know that the system is not equipped to make this happen without change. If you want to see change, then take a subject and see how far forward you can move it. Ignore the norms, because like rules, they are meant to be change to work with what the times require. Change brings with it new norms that are hopefully more balanced and acceptable. Make the world into the most inspirational hopes you carry.

Because there has got to be more to life than this…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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