Support Is Always There…

Sometimes the world doesn’t notice when you drop out of sight, and it makes you wonder if you really are here. We’re always wondering about our reason of being, especially when that reason goes out of focus. It can happen when the world fights who you are, until you see yourself clearly once more.

For any creative person, The Reason tends to be the way it moves us because the feeling is just as important as the destination. It’s pretty impossible to make something that counts to you unless you feel it way down deep in your bones, because that’s what refills the well. But in the long run, the creation requires support to flourish.

Fly as high as you have the support! (thanks to freestockphotos for this happy moment)


When we receive feedback, it sometimes makes us soar. And those times are when creatives thrive. The feelings we receive feed the well where our dreams are taking root, awaiting their own moment to grow. But there are other times when the words we hear can block us because they conflict with our innermost selves. How you overcome those darker moments will tell you how strong and deep the well goes.

There is little to fear, because those darker moments can also create a different type of emotion that is just as powerful as the light. Both light and dark make up a full day, and support those conflicting needs that live in us all. Those diverging creations you make will attract those like and not, which is what the muse desires. Just remember that support is always there, and sometimes it pops up even if you haven’t nurtured it as you should. Take the feeling that it creates and see where it takes you. It will definitely be somewhere special, because it pushed you just a little higher into the sky so that you see more of the world around you.

This is for you @jessenovels, who sees the world from a depth that makes you feel…more. Thanks for sending me that exhilarating breeze that took me to another height once again. The world just got a little brighter because my vision sees another new color and so much more.

Thanks, my friend!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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