We’re all exhausted by all of the drama that just.won’t.end!! But what can we do about it? Important things are forgotten simply because we have to much to cope with.
But the world keeps trying to get our attention by letting the important things bubble to the surface. No matter how much the mundane tries to usurp the light, the incredibly life-changing moments take over the camera frame as they should.
We are seeing another real-life tragedy blossom in front of our eyes, in real-time. No matter how much the system tries to maintain its importance, it is the individual that shows the truly important being ignored because it is inconvenient for the system. It is inconvenient to the system’s schedule, and to the system’s agenda, and mostly to the system’s aspirations.
It is clear that privilege has been given too much room in human society. And by privilege, I mean those who seek to rule the world in their own image. No one person or group of people should have that right, when there are more than 7 billion people on this planet trying to co-exist.
And when did “their” conventions become our life? Why did we choose to make conventions so important when they were meant to be a guide and not a rule book? When rules become the norm, then what is left to inspire?
A few weeks ago, I watched a Chris Hayes special with Michael Moore. He was speaking to a non-voter and amazed (or should I say irritated as so many claim to be) that this man was looking for political leaders who inspire. Chris responded that our current politics was at a critical juncture and too important to look for inspiring, when we should be looking for qualified. But what is the definition of qualified, and who decided that we ALL agreed with this definition?
We have ignored the need for a real definition that has little to do with diplomas, awards, civics, recommendations and the other “critical” criteria that makes one person more qualified than another. THAT was the key message that this man was trying to send when he was to vote, and couldn’t with the current crop of candidates on offer to his access. So many people everywhere are saying the same thing, and yet the majority feels that their way is right simply because they won with their votes.
I am not talking about sides, because both are not only wrong, but also ignoring the crises that are swamping the planet. It is not an illusion that things feel worse. It is not just the ever present media that informs us of the invisible that is coming to the forefront…finally. It is the fact that picking a side without working together is killing our lives.
So when do we actually start to work with one another, without jumping down each other’s throats? When does critical become now or never, instead of being kicked down the road? What does it take to change status quo? It’s obvious that doing the same thing over and over is not working. Voting doesn’t work when we aren’t all engaged, when so many are being ignored, treated as invisible.
But today, the system forced us to engage by showing their stage show in front of our eyes. It is forcing us to recognize that the system is ineffectual, empty, and meant to usurp our attention from the truly important.
But today, the truly important is right in front of us, demanding its time because the messenger is forced to be involved. Maybe today is the day that we can demand better of everyone and not just yell comfortably from our side.