The global news about politics and economics indicates that we’re firmly entrenched in the “ME” generation. Like many others, personally experiencing the chaos that is the business world made me yearn for that which I’d lost…my creativity. Shutting down my soul for too long had debilitating effects that I’m still trying to completely overcome. Though I haven’t stopped trying.
But when I let my inner child open her eyes once again, I feel my soul come alive and it feels AMAZING! The one constant in my childhood was my never-ending fascination with everything. “What’s it like to fly like a bird? Why are there so many different types of flowers? How could bakers create such beautiful pastries that have to be eaten? Why does that car make me feel so alive? How was THAT created?” The questions kept coming, and I kept looking for more. And that’s what started me on my lifelong path to immersing myself in creativity. Writing is my form of creation, and I let my soul swim in my words. I realize that creative types have such power to transform the mundane into the incredible.
Creativity isn’t just about making something beautiful that others want to buy. Sure, we all need money, but doesn’t greed get in the way of keeping creativity alive? I know that when I’m forced to create, then my well becomes empty. I struggle to put words to paper (or the computer). But when the restraints are gone, then I’m as free as a bird. A joyous bird doing cartwheels in an endless blue sky. I am creating again!
There have been moments in my life when I’ve captured that feeling of being in the moment. It’s that perfect moment of time when everything fits together with you like pieces of a puzzle. My first flight in a Cessna when I was a teenager was one such moment. I still remember the colors of the setting sun, the cool winds breezing by the window, the single bird following our plane, and much more. My instructor knew that I was feeling it, and just let me be until we were ready to land. Except that I didn’t want the flight to end! Needless to say, I was hooked to flying. I may not fly a plane now, but that love is still deep inside my soul. I keep that perfect moment in my soul’s memory so that my body knows what I’m after. And then I create until that moment comes alive in what I’ve created. It’s like chasing a dream, making me feel alive.
If the creative world is so successful at making our world beautiful and unique, then shouldn’t our economic and political worlds be taking the hint? Just think of how much we can do if we were given carte blanche to just create. I’m positive that we’d create an amazing world that would blow Hollywood off the planet! It’s clear that humanity needs to be re-injected back into our way of life! If you’re in doubt, then go to an art gallery or a concert. Recapture the feeling, bring it back into your life, and see what happens. I’ve had enough of the current destructive nature of our world. Creativity makes us strive for better than what is around us. So let’s get to it!
I’d have to check with you here. Which is not something I usually do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!
Hi there and thanks for the awesome comments you left! I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourself here. I also enjoy have a two-way conversation so that we both have a great experience and maybe learn from one another. Feel free to stop in any time, and let me know if you have some inspirations that you want to share. Who knows – it might start a post from me as well. I love hearing from you all! : )
BTW – that planking looks like fun, and makes me think about pirates.