Thought For The Day

What is the answer to censorship?

We read the news every day where some organization or another is trying to stop others from experiencing things that they don’t like. But this all amounts to having control over others. Since everyone has different things they consider important, then how does society make the choice of acceptability?

Here’s some of the things happening that have caught my interest:

This is just in one week! I know that I don’t like the future that others are trying to build for me. Especially when I didn’t ask for it!

Well, the simple answer is to allow things to continue their existence, but provide alternate opportunities to counter what you deem dangerous. The danger isn’t in the thought, but in controlling that thought. If you want to dissuade someone from doing something, then don’t tell them “NO!” . Because the word “no” is the biggest motivator that man has ever created. Think bull and red cape. It’s our purpose to prove that word wrong.  Education can do more to tamper down potentially disastrous results then denial. Plus it’ll start opening people’s eyes to innovation that can negate the original problem.

As you can tell, I’m against censorship. If we humans are as smart as we say we are, then leave the decision making to each individual. After all, you’re only responsible for yourself. I don’t know what every person on this planet does from one minute to the next. That means that it would be irresponsible to just spout out “rules” because I learned about something myself. The rule won’t stick because it won’t mean the same thing to those other people who are less invested.

Let’s all try something different. Use some creativity to get your feelings out there without becoming the bully.

  • If you don’t believe that something’s appropriate, then don’t use it. Find a better alternative and promote that with a reason why you think so.
  • If you don’t like something you’re hearing or seeing, then walk away. Someone else may like it, so don’t ruin their fun.
  • Get to know that person or thing that bother’s you. You’ll be surprised that you have more in common then you think.

What will you do when you’ve see some form of censorship?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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