Driving Through Open Spaces

Summer is all about traveling. Whether it’s near or far, we all crave the freedom of the open road at some time and summer helps to bring it to reality. Usually, there’s a ton of planning involved, and nearly impossible logistics to overcome. How much do I need to bring? Is there enough music? What’s it going to be like at wherever I’m going? Did I remember to shut off the lights? What did I forget? The trip itself brings out the military precision in everyone who participates. It’s necessary because your stuff is out of reach back at home. Not that we won’t attempt to bring it all with us anyways. It’s our anchor away from home.

But once you get out there on that endless stretch of highway, a whole new experience begins. The brain shuts down and forgets all of that anxiety that started this adventure. Your eyes feel like the blinds have been removed, and everything looks brighter… even the open fields and desert. Traveling in California provides a lot of monotonous views once you get out there in the middle of nowhere on Highway 5. But never has the mind been more stimulated by those views. The dried grass fields take on a golden hue that stands out against an azure blue sky that just goes on forever. Only a few clouds dot that sky, and my mind makes shapes out of them like I did when I was a kid. I laughed when I saw a dog swimming in a cloud of meringue, chasing after a bobbing elephant! And that was just in the first hour out in “uncivilization”. I forgot how much I love cloud art. It breaks up the unending lines of sweltering asphalt that crisscrosses the rolling plains. And, oh how I welcomed that momentary timelessness when my mind was free!

Once I reentered civilization at the other end, I found that my mind once again became frenetic. Too many things to do in too little time. I enjoyed it all because I was with someone I love. The sights were beautiful, the city was hectic, and everything was fun. I also realized that I’m never going to be a city dweller. Just too much sensory overload! My mind works best when there are open spaces. Maybe because it’s gotten permission to take off because there are no boundaries? Whatever the reason, I am thankful that we still have open spaces. And one of these days, I’m going to have my camera ready to take pictures of what I’m seeing – when I’m not driving. I got a whole new injection of creativity from this trip. Now to sort it all out into something coherent…


Side note: I can’t wait to once again drive through the CA-152 Pacheco Pass to Gilroy on a full moon night. To see those golden fields turn diamond bright with a round white moon hanging overhead is an experience not to be missed!

Where are some of your favorite places while on the road?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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6 Responses to Driving Through Open Spaces

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    • Carolyn says:

      I’m bucking the trend with publishing sales comments (probably won’t happen again) because I wanted to tell all of my readers that this isn’t about marketing, but about love. The topics that I’m finding are things that inspire me to improve my own craft. It’s naive to think that I don’t need to make a living, but being true to myself is more important now. I’ve given to the world of business, so now it’s time to give to the world at large! Let’s enjoy the journey together!

  3. Awseome article, I am a big believer in writing comments on blogs and forums to help the blog writers know that they’ve added something useful to the world wide web!

    • Carolyn says:

      Welcome and thank you. It’s amazing where you’re head goes when you’re driving long distance. You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear back from my readers. I’ve put my soul out there to you all, and am so glad that I did after reading your words of support. So, thank you so very much, from me to each and every one of you who’ve written in. You’re all the reason I keep writing!

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