Oh no, Bots Are Taking Over Berlin!

After the insanity that was the OhNo!Doom show, Imaginary Menagerie (which is still showing until the end of the month), Doktor A along with and a myriad of amazing mechanical talents will be bringing bots to life at the robot group show “Gentle Giants” opening at the Strychnin Gallery in Berlin, Germany on July 15, 2011.

The gallery describes the show as “The creations of robot art take, interpret and shape the commonly perceived attributes of and also the views on robots and thereby give them even more meaning and personality. Strychnin Gallery’s ‘Gentle Giants’ will showcase a diverse selection of some of the most influential and innovative creations of robot art done by a well selected group of artists. The exhibition will focus on the gentle, smart, helping and almost human aspects of robots that are enriching our society. The list of participating artists includes: Michael Salter, Himatic, Doktor A, Mike Libby, Skeleton Heart, Seymour, Nemo Gould, John Lytle Wilson, SQUP, Caroline LeBreton, Stefan Fromberger and many more.”

Here’s a small glimpse at just a few of the robots that have been freed by their artists.

Seymour‘s Manbot

Doktor A‘s Solomon Bigglesworth Jones

I’ll bet that you can’t wait to see the rest of them either? I know that I can’t.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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