The Magic Will Never End

We’re coming to the end of a magical era. JK Rowling’s Harry Potter adventures has started its end run on 7/15/2011. This will be the last movie that we’ll ever watch showing Harry, Hermoine, and Ron grow from innocent childhood into an angst-ridden adulthood. Their anguish is on a scale that most of us will hopefully never encounter in real life. And no, I’m not speaking of the magic but of the harsh realities of life. Whether you consider yourself a sorcerer, a witch, or a plain old muggle, we all have had our shares of it. Magic might be able to disguise reality temporarily, but reality will always find a way to seep into our consciousness. I for one wish that their magic were truly a living, breathing thing because these are the type of things that I dream of.

Frankly it is a bit shocking to think that we’ve followed Harry’s adventures in book form since 1997. I was much older than the targeted audience, but still held onto the dreams of a child with both hands woven tightly together. With all of the darkness that permeates our society, the books and movies were a form of escapism that ended up teaching many valuable moral lessons. For those critics who were horrified at the illicity of dark arts and magical forces, they truly missed the fable-like opportunities that helped to guide a generation of children and adults alike.

Just like most historical events, many of Harry’s readers will use his stories as a benchmark for their growth during a transformational decade+ of time. And through it all, they were able to hold onto their kaleidoscope of dreams. I would say that JK Rowling did a great service to those who chose to partake in these mythical tales just for that reason alone. And for those who didn’t come along for the ride, there’s always a chance to revisit it in the future like the rest of us will.

The choices that we make shape us, much like they did for Harry, Hermoine, and Ron. These characters looked at what the world placed before them, and sought to actively bring out the best in themselves and their surroundings. Of course, there were missteps along the way, but then life never makes any choices simple. But what does come from those choices made, and how to proceed into the future is ours to control.

Don’t ever let anyone take away your magic! If they try to, fight with all of your might. Seek to be extraordinary in your own way. Join with others to fight off the mundane and keep the magic alive. This world needs that magic more than ever.

NY Times Arts Beats Gallery –  Add your thoughts or image to their gallery. It could be your testament to magic!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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