Where Would You Want To Be Right Now?

In honor of the construction that is prevalent all over California (and my own trials driving long distance through it a few weeks ago), I thought that I’d pose the question. If you were able to choose anywhere to be, where would it be?

Well, I love to satisfy my curiosity by delving into new places and experiences, not that I’ve had much time for it because of my writing schedule. When I was younger, I traveled much more because I was a military brat and had the opportunity to do so. From those experiences, I gathered that I love to look at history. Let me explore in an old temple or museum, and I’m like a pig in mud. Happy!

But on the other hand, I like to feel the experiences around me. Flying in a Cessna was one way that I used to get my adrenaline going. Going fast did it for me (as fast as a Cessna could go), but feeling free was the true rush.

So, if I had a choice to be anywhere, where would I want to be? Frankly the one place that sticks in my mind comes from a scene from Thor, the movie.


No, this isn’t the image that I’m talking about, but it involves Heimdall’s Observatory. There is a scene in the movie when Heimdall is looking over the universe from the gates of his observatory. As he looks down, the whole of creation is at his feet. And he has the power to go to different parts of that creation through the portal. Now, that is where I would want to be, except that I would have no limitations on where I could travel or when. To be able to see different civilizations, or even to see our civilization when those amazing pyramids were being built around the world. Now, that would be an experience!

So, what would your choice be?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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