Ai Weiwei – The BBC Interview

Updated: 07/25/2011 – Ai WeiWei has now opened a Google+ account.


Warning: This is really not easy to watch because it’s disturbing, but it can’t be ignored if you believe in freedom.

I just read the tweet from Imaginary Foundation and am now watching this hour-long video interview of Chinese artist and activist, Ai Weiwei. Frankly, no matter where you are, there are issues of freedom and civil rights that are fragmenting society. It transcends politics. But we definitely have it better here in the USA than they do in China and other censored countries (for how much longer I’m afraid to think about).

This video gives us an intimate glimpse of a country that few outside of it understand. Just watch this to hear the words of a unique individual who is standing up for his own rights, at any cost, in a tunnel-visioned country, and in turn is standing up for us all. This could easily be our own story if we ignore the warning signs and stray from the path of true democracy.

Ai Weiwei: Without Fear or Favour is showing at the Imaginary Foundation. Go view it to see how thin the line between good and bad has become. This is a heart-breaking reality that many are experiencing! Thank goodness that we have people like this who can show us what is good and what is bad.

The only way to make change happen is to start the change yourself. Believe that you can, because it might be the only thing to carry you through it all.

-“They were hand made, aren’t they, each one…That just makes them that much more special, I guess..” – from visitors of the Sunflower exhibit at the Tate Museum


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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