Cube Rat

I was going through Kickstarter to check out some new projects, when I came across this girl (well, woman) who has an amazing voice and a really quirky sense of humor. Her name is Dana McCoy, and she seems to be quite the character. She has a story that we’re all too familiar with:






Find a dream, lose that dream, chase that dream down with teeth bared!

Well, in her case, her voice bared and it’s a pretty great voice. One that most guys would call smoky, but one that I find fun to listen to. It seems that she has quite the following in New York (Russel Brand wanted to “sign her uterus with my magic pen” – hope that’s before his marriage), and is now planning to stretch her wings out to Edinburgh, Scotland. She has a pretty crazy story that you can check out at her site. I did and it was pretty close to mine (not really), except that I can barely carry a note and my experience in theater was limited to school plays.

Here’s her Kickstarter page for An American Cube Rat in Scotland! Edinburgh Fringe or Bust!, which is a rock musical telling of her woes as a cube rat (see the video below):

I’ve made my pledge, though I wished that I had more money to offer. Sigh, the life of a freelancer.

We’ve all got similar stories. This seems like an appropriate ode to all of us who at one time or another have been in her shoes (and many still are, I’m sure). Though my shoes were sandals, because I am a klutz on heels! No, I don’t work for her, but boy do I relate to her.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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