The Perfect Car Might Be Here









Ok, I am seriously jealous! Cool Hunting got a rare opportunity to re-visit the wonderland of car makers, the Ferrari factory in Maranello, Italy. I saw a tv special on this place a few years ago, and could only drool in awe at the hand-crafted perfection that these people put out each year. Each of the workers and the machinery there operate together with the precision of a Swiss watch, and quality isn’t simply just a mantra here. If it’s not perfect, it won’t leave their doors.

Because these works of art are individually built by man and machine, and each of them are unique, they take time to build…a lot of time (20 months or more). Not that their clients mind, since they can afford the mind-numbing prices that these cars can command. When a car’s price exceeds that of multiple homes put together, then you know that you’re about to get something very special indeed. It’s every holiday put together when you receive the finished product. No, not product, because that is too mediocre a word for this creation. How about pièce de résistance? I think the Italians would say “capolavoro”. While most of us will never own one, we can still dream through stories like this.

I’m not going to post any other pictures, because you have to go read the article of the Ferrari campus visit by Cool Hunting and get a feel of their excitement. It’s got to be an honor to be walking on those floors, and talking to true artisans. They take creativity, design, expertise, and love to a level that no other company will duplicate, ever.

And to get a true perspective straight from Ferrari, go visit their site and see the plant for yourself: Ferrari Factory in Maranello, Italy.

Then you can listen to their take of achieving the symphonic perfection of a car in the video below (posted by wck1215):

I’m pretty sure that I would probably cry if I ever saw one of these things sitting on my doorstep, just waiting for me to touch it! But, I know that I would be terrified to drive it as I have an inkling of what went into building it. Yes, the Ferrari is as close to perfection as you can get out of a manufactured creation. We all love different cars, but the passion that surrounds this car is much like the passion exhibited by all Italians. After all, they practically trademarked the word, passion.

-found through design:related tweet -> Cool Hunting -> Ferrari


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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