Have you ever been so obsessed about something, but don’t really get why you’re fascinated? I’ve been going through this phase for quite a while with an unknown car that I frequently pass by on the street. Seriously, it’s not anything extraordinary as far as looks go. Just some 70’s muscle car that I can’t name because I suck at remembering all of their names. I think that it might be something like a GTO, but I doubt it because my husband would have been drooling with me. There are just too many of them from that amazing era, which to me was the peak of American-built cars with hair-blazing power and gorgeous masculine beauty.
I have to look for it whenever I’m passing the street that it lives on. Yes, cars are living things to me. Unique personalities, bland personalities, and some with no personality at all. It depends on how dedicated a car designer is to keeping inspiration alive during the creation process. Thank god that there are still car makers out there that need to create something special. We know who they are without mentioning any names. Especially since we each have our ideal beauty firmly in mind, and it’ll probably differ from person to person.
I can’t explain why I’m drawn to this particular car. I don’t even know who drives it. I just know that it calls to me. I’m always patting my car’s steering wheel as I look for that car, as though I want to reassure her that I still care about her as well. After all, she and I belong to one another. I tend to develop relationships with things that I hold dear. We all have our quirks.
My obsession looks nothing like those cars above. But it has some kind of hold on me that they don’t have. Yes, I would like to know why. I probably never will. My husband thinks I’m crazy because, as he says, “It’s just a car, and it’s not even fully restored. There are much better cars out there!”
Well, he might be right, but there’s one problem. That’s the car that appeals to me. So, whoever you are, Mr. Special Muscle Car Owner, take good care of your beauty. And know that someone else thinks that it’s pretty special too.
(p.s. My precious Jetta, you’re the car for me so don’t feel hurt by this temporary insanity.)