Thought For The Day – Advertising Can Drive You Nuts

Like a lot of you out there, I visit a ton of sites everyday to find creative inspirations, get the latest news, watch videos, and a whole lot more.

Thought for the day: Exactly how many ads does a person need on their web page, in their emails, or coming through the phones? It’s the one thing that can turn a normally nice person into a babbling brook of sales broadcasts.

There are advertisements being thrown at us every minute of every day from somewhere in this world, and yet it’s not always raising our levels of happiness. Unless it involves a cute baby, or puppy, or dancing monsters. Well, anything that’s so unusual or adorable that it brings a timid smile to our face or sends us ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing, for you luddites):

(and no, I am NOT advertising for Blockbuster – I just love this commercial)

Or when we learn about something in a new way, like how Audi presents racing from the driver’s standpoint (beautiful art):

This type of advertising is something that I find truly inspiring because it touches our humanity. It digs down into our soul to snuggle with us. I will never get enough of advertising geniuses that make new art because they want to connect with us. That’s when advertising is at its best.

But when it boils down to the basics of only wanting to get that sale and interrupts a pleasant day for another, well, it just feels wrong! So, when you’re building something that you want others to come to, try to limit the sales pitch. Or at least use some design to keep your site legible and inviting. It might be all that you need to get exactly what you want. We’re all a little tired of sales being pitched at us at speeds faster than a fast pitch. Have a care.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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