Apocalyptic Society? Uncivilisation Festival









Hmmm. Today is turning into a day of the dead kind of thing. So, this seemed like an appropriate topic to talk about. The apocalypse is weighing on everyone’s mind because we are in the middle of 2012. And we all know what that means (unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past century). Even NASA put out their own take on the end of times.

With parts of society starting to talk about the demise of civilization as we know it, many people are turning inward and towards one another to figure out how to make it through some trying times. It doesn’t help tame our fears when nature throws in her two cents in the forms of earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. The Uncivilisation Festival in Hampshire Downs opened for a second weekend with 300 people who are speaking openly about their interpretations of this new dismantling of all that we hold familiar. They aren’t there to deny reality, but to try to face it and cope with the changes that are starting to happen all around us.

Dark Mountain Project is the mastermind behind this event, and they are a group with strong beliefs that artists can help pave a new road through their creations. It started as a place for writers to come together to write about the stories that need to be told, not from man’s historical viewpoint, but from a place of truth. They call this uncivilised writing. But soon, artists from all genres asked to join in the narrative as creative intellectuals. They want to provide a light in the darkness, and let man once again become a part of nature instead of standing apart from it. Their manifesto is heavy, but it is heavy with the truths that everyone is struggling to wrap their minds around. We are in changing times, and people like those who belong to this group want to engage one another to help everyone get through to the other side with creativity, thought, and sharing.

Sounds like a great strategy, considering that strategies being accomplished by the “experts” are simply reinventions of the same tired old principles that lead to our current failures. I’m keeping my eye on this group!

If you want to know more about The Dark Mountain project, go check out their blog.

– found through Big Think -> The Independent UK


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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