Mega The Illustrator








I love playful advertising art, and Mega definitely has a style that speaks volumes. This man is seriously into details, if you know what I mean. And bright colors. This particular image of DJ Gero spoke to me, because of Mega’s use of some recognizable Japanese manga characters that I grew up with as a teenager in Japan. Do you know which ones I’m talking about? (hint: Dr. Slump, Hello Kitty, Mazinger Z)

Anyhow, Mega is a French-born illustrator who chooses to live in Bali. His main love and motivator is chili. Take a look at the profile written by DesignTaxi, and get to know the artist a little better. He’s got a style that will leave you with a smile. And he’s got a commitment to his art that ranks up there with his love of travel.

His words for his craft also say a lot about how he lives his life: “There is no secret. Just a lot of work. And no matter what people around you say and do, stay focus and keep your dedication and confidence intact. Art is commitment.” That’s pretty awesome.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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3 Responses to Mega The Illustrator

  1. Mega says:

    Dope, many thanks 🙂

  2. Pingback: MEGA REVIEW · Cbrajkovichart + illustration = Mega

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