The Post Carbon Institute put out a pretty good animation story depicting the current world crisis that we are all enveloped in. The warning shots were heard a while back, but we didn’t take it seriously when we needed to. Well, we’ve now reached a point where we all know that change is not only good, but it is necessary.
No matter what pretty packages are put in front of us, we have to listen to their contents first. Because packaging is something that we all love, but know that deep down it’s just simple gift wrapping. Sometimes it hides an amazing prize, and sometimes it’s just something we want to light up and leave on someone’s porch (not something I condone, by the way).
The one thing that we can all agree upon is the fact that even the experts are stumped on this one. So, if even the experts are having a hard time coming up with innovative ideas for prosperity with a future, then maybe it’s high time that we take heed to the blaring alarms. This is not the normal ride that we’re used to. This is something new that all of us have an opportunity to change if we simply get involved. Whatever your skills, get involved so that we make the new world a collective world. Not fragmentary, because we all saw what happened when we ignored the parts that were uncomfortable.
Is the world that we want to live in one that condones the crackdown against independent voices, like the arrests for the Keystone XL protests in Washington? Or the BART riot police crackdown?
Or is it one where we all have an equal say in our future.
Even Umair Haque of the Harvard Business Review believes that change is what we need.
– motivated by a yes! post and more
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing.” – Arundhati Roy (thanks for forwarding this quote, Marian Bantjes)