Monthly Archives: August 2011

Musical And Visual Joy

Yes, more stumbling has led me to list of many incredible sites which allow you to interact and create with them. They draw me to them because of my love of sound, my curiosity for experimentation (within reason) , the … Continue reading

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A Geek’s Dream

Just look at the image below. And then click on the link to see more workstations that will make a grown geek drool and cry with happiness. Yes, that’s me sniffling and crying in awe.Thanks once again Stumbleupon for this … Continue reading

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Thought For The Day – Advertising Can Drive You Nuts

Like a lot of you out there, I visit a ton of sites everyday to find creative inspirations, get the latest news, watch videos, and a whole lot more. Thought for the day: Exactly how many ads does a person … Continue reading

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Wow – I Just Found Nimit Malavia

Stumbleupon has done it again. This time I stumbled on the site of the jaw-droppingly talented Canadian artist, Nimit Malavia, and I couldn’t be happier. He resides in Ottawa,  Ontario, where he creates his graphite and paint wonders that are … Continue reading

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When You Have To Fight For Your Words

          When I read posts and articles written by business people, I am honestly amazed that they accomplish anything. Validate this. Test that. Measure this. Validate it again. Have a meeting. Let’s meet to brainstorm about … Continue reading

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Imagine With Reason, Unless…

Imagination is the key to creativity. But it’s not only used in the artistic sense. It’s used by every living creature, so that they can grow and survive in their environment. And sometimes it’s used to give us a boost … Continue reading

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NatGeo Makes A House Go Up

If you’ve seen the Pixar movie, Up, then you’ll be familiar with this scene. National Geographic wanted to make this movie a reality, and set about making it happen with a huge crew of experts ranging from balloon pilots to … Continue reading

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Sometimes I Feel Selfish Until…

            If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. How many times have we been given this warning? And yet, we still wait with baited breath when something new and shiny … Continue reading

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Urbanology – A Game That Resembles Reality?

              What an appropriate time to create this game, Urbanology. BMW Guggenheim Lab has released this online game that allows the player to create urban settings based on their desired characteristics, in order to … Continue reading

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Action By Pencil

Phenomenally realistic Colombian graphite illustrator, Cesar Del Valle, has put out a drawing series of his subjects interacting with their supposed environment. The character’s action is so realistically drawn to coordinate with the setting that you have to look twice … Continue reading

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