Monthly Archives: August 2011

Sharing A Music Talent – The Brooke

Cheeming Boey (of Sharpie fame) tweeted this video. I just wanted to share it here. She’s known as The Brooke. Mesmerizing voice. Fluid and soulful. WOW!!!! She deserves to be heard. Completely inspiring in every way. Click on her name … Continue reading

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Heaven On Earth

National Geographic is presenting some photos of Hebrides, Scotland as taken by photographer Jim Richardson for the January 2010 story of this hauntingly beautiful land. This to me is heaven on Earth.

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Yes, But What’s Underneath

          As you already know if you follow this blog, I’m not a fan of politics. I don’t even like to write about it. But sometimes everything in your world moves to the point that you … Continue reading

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Still Need More Connection? Sometimes your iPhone or Blackberry (or whatever smartphone you use) isn’t enough to keep you connected with the world. Well, someone has come up with a new Smartwatch that makes your mobile connection a part of you. (Almost) literally. … Continue reading

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Whoa – You’ve Got To See What Sharpies Inspire

Sharpie posted this video clip of an obvious fan of theirs, twakenight, who has created a stunning bedroom using some amazing artistic talent. Seriously, there really is creativity happening everywhere, and it’s beyond a pleasure to see. It’s clear that … Continue reading

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Thought For The Day – Pass This On

This is a simple task. Anyone who reads this, please do me a favor. Copy this image and pass it on to someone else. It doesn’t even have to be someone you know.  Just simply do it because you want … Continue reading

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More I Am Boey

Today seemed like a good day for some whimsy, and it’s been a while since I put up some I Am Boey stuff from his journal. So here you go:  

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Look Up At The Sky

If you live in Canada or North America, you might want to step outside of your house near midnight and take a look up at the sky. According to astronomers, the powerful solar geomagnetic storms that have been bombarding Earth … Continue reading

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Working For Nature

It looks like there are a couple of new innovations that have been created for the express purpose to work with or try to save nature. Now that’s something to get behind! One creation, The Bat Billboard, was devised by … Continue reading

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There Is Creative And There Is Not

Janet Echelman was stuck without paints in a faraway land. And so she went to find some inspiration that could help her finish what she had promised to start. One not-so-casual glimpse at a normal sight of fisherman working with … Continue reading

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